The Boston Public Schools (“BPS”) is responsible for the safety and security of its
students and school communities, and for ensuring that every student has the same
opportunity to attend a school that is a safe place for learning. This responsibility
requires BPS personnel to report school incidents to police when required by law. BPS
personnel may also call police for assistance in responding to emergency situations. At
the same time, BPS must abide by laws restricting the disclosure of students’ education
records to non-school officials, and ensure that protected information is not improperly
transmitted to third parties.
Employees in BPS’s Department of Safety Services work closely with school
administrators to maintain safe learning environments for students and staff by both
responding to incidents and by engaging in proactive partnerships with the schools they
serve. These employees also serve as special officers licensed by the Boston Police
Department (“BPD”), which supports the district by responding to incidents and
investigating criminal activity. BPD employees, as non-school officials, do not have
access to education records except in certain circumstances. The unique nature of
Department of Safety Services employees’ dual roles requires a policy that establishes
consistent standards for preparing student incident reports and for sharing those reports
with non-school officials. BPS also requires a policy that describes those circumstances
in which BPS personnel must report school incidents to police, and that makes clear
that school administrators are solely responsible for administering and documenting
discipline in accordance with the BPS Code of Conduct.
This policy covers: (1) mandatory reporting by BPS personnel to BPD for certain
incidents; (2) standards for Department of Safety Services employees in preparing an
incident report; (3) protocol for sharing such reports and other student information; (4)
creation of a school safety working group; and (5) training and compliance
This policy addresses sharing between Safety Services employees and BPD. For
requirements governing students’ education records and the legal requirements for
sharing such records with families, school personnel, and other third-parties, please
refer to Superintendent Circular LGL-07, Privacy of Student Information and Student
Record Procedures: How to Respond to Student Record Requests in Compliance with
FERPA and State Law.
In developing this policy, The Boston School Committee and Boston Public Schools
affirm the following principles:
1. All students have the right to feel safe and secure in school.
2. It is the responsibility of Boston Public Schools to provide for the safety and
well-being of all students in its care and to ensure that they feel supported and
secure in the learning environment.
3. It is the responsibility of the Boston Public Schools Department of Safety
Services to enforce the law and to protect students, staff, guests, property, and
school communities by responding to incidents as defined in section III(A) and by
engaging in prevention and intervention strategies and initiatives that focus on
student support.
4. It is the responsibility of school administrators to manage student conduct by
implementing supports and interventions and by administering discipline in
accordance with the BPS Code of Conduct.
5. Consistent with the Boston Trust Act, BPS will not cooperate with or assist in
immigration enforcement activities, which include identifying, arresting, or
detaining any person based solely on their immigration status or a suspected
violation of federal civil immigration law, or providing personal information solely
for the purpose of enforcing civil violations of U.S. immigration laws.
The preparation and sharing of student education records and other student information
by BPS personnel is governed by federal and state laws and local regulations. The
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99
(“FERPA”), and Massachusetts student records laws, G.L. c. 71, § 34D; 603 CMR
23.00, et seq. restrict access to a student’s education record (any information that
identifies a student and is maintained by the school) (“education record”) to the eligible
student, parent, and authorized school personnel, unless a legal exemption applies. As
BPS employees, Department of Safety Services employees are required to adhere to
FERPA’s disclosure restrictions with respect to education records, even when the
disclosure is to other city departments, including BPD. Department of Safety Services
employees, however, also qualify as a BPS “law enforcement unit” under FERPA.
Records created and maintained by a law enforcement unit, such as incident reports,
are not considered education records under FERPA and therefore are not subject to
disclosure restrictions. Department of Safety Services employees are also special
officers licensed by BPD pursuant to BPD Rule 400A, and are required to comply with
BPD rules and directives. Finally, there are several Massachusetts laws that either
require school officials to report certain incidents to police, or provide BPD with the
exclusive authority to investigate and report on certain crimes.
For purposes of this policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
BPD means the Boston Police Department, which includes the Boston Regional
Intelligence Center (BRIC).
BPD 1.1 means the Incident Report that is prepared by officers and special officers of
the Boston Police Department and is filed with and maintained by the Boston Police
Code of Conduct (“COC”) means the Boston Public Schools Code of Conduct.
Crimes means all criminal and delinquency offenses.
Incident Report means a written record created by a Department of Safety Services
employee that pertains to student or school activity, in the form of an SSR1 or a BPD
1.1. These reports, because they are created by Safety Services and are maintained by
either BPS or BPD are typically not considered educational records and are thus not
protected under FERPA, unless they are used for school disciplinary purposes.
Intelligence Report means any written report or narrative created by a Department of
Safety Services employee that pertains to student activity other than the activity
permitted to be documented in an Incident Report by this policy, including activity that is
documented for intelligence gathering purposes or for the sole purpose of reporting
School Safety Report or SSR1 means the Incident Report that is prepared by Safety
Services employees and is filed with Safety Services.
Safety Services means the Boston Public Schools Department of Safety Services.
Safety Services employees means employees in Safety Services who are employed
by BPS and licensed as special officers by BPD.
School Administrator means the school leader, building administrator, or other school
official who is responsible for overseeing discipline in the school.
Student Activity means any activity involving one or more BPS students occurring on
BPS property, on BPS buses, at or near school bus stops, while BPS students are on
their way to and from school, and while BPS students are participating in any
school-sponsored activities, whether on or off school grounds.
Several Massachusetts laws require BPS personnel to notify police about certain
incidents and to provide information necessary for police to investigate:
Missing child - G.L. c. 22A, § 4;
Student in possession of a dangerous weapon at school - G.L. c. 71, § 37L;
Incident of bullying or retaliation when there is a reasonable basis to believe that
criminal charges may be pursued against the aggressor, unless the principal
determines that the bullying and retaliation can be handled appropriately within
the school or district - G.L. c. 71, § 37O; 603 CMR 49.06(2).
Other laws establish BPD’s authority to investigate and document certain incidents:
Incidents of rape or sexual assault - G.L. c. 41 § 97D (please refer to
Superintendent’s Circular EQT-3, Sexual Misconduct Towards Students, for BPS
protocol for reporting these incidents);
Incidents involving stalking or harassment or a violation of a restraining order -
G.L. c. 258E, § 8.
BPS has also established a protocol for reporting certain incidents to police. Please
refer to Superintendent’s Circular SAF-04, Incident Data--Reporting and Release.
Safety Services Employees may only document Student and non-Student Activity
pursuant to the provisions of sections 1 and 2 below. As described in section 3 below,
activity that is not listed in sections 1 or 2 may only be documented by the School
Administrator, if the School Administrator determines that such activity may qualify as a
violation of the Code of Conduct.
Safety Services employees may document only the following Student Activity by
preparing and filing a BPD 1.1:
(a) All felony Crimes;
(b) Non-felony Crimes of assault and battery, hazing, those involving stalking behavior
or sexual behavior, and threats that could have caused the person to whom they were
conveyed to fear that the speaker had both the intention and ability to carry them out;
(c) Possession of and possession with intent to distribute controlled substances as
defined in G.L. c. 94C (other than possession of 2 ounces or less of marijuana, pursuant
to G.L. c. 94C, §§ 32L and 32M);
(d) Possession of dangerous or electrical weapons;
(e) Other non-felony Crimes where a victim or victim’s parent or guardian requests a
In determining whether Student Activity falls within the above classifications, Safety
Services employees must adhere to the provisions of G.L. c. 71, § 37P which in part
require that “SROs [school resource officers] shall not serve as school disciplinarians,
as enforcers of school regulations or in place of licensed school psychologists,
psychiatrists or counselors and that SROs shall not use police powers to address
traditional school discipline issues, including non-violent disruptive behavior.”
Safety Services employees may document only the following Student Activity using a
School Safety Report (SSR1):
(a) missing child ( BPD may also write a BPD 1.1., see above);
(b) sick/injury assist;
(c) medical evaluation or other medical emergency (BPD also responds to
medical-related incidents when an ambulance is called and completes a BPD 1.1).
SSR1s may also be prepared for non-Student Activity, including but not limited to (i)
found property or evidence; (ii) found needles/syringes; (iii) found weapons; (iv) found
controlled substances; (v) found property damage/graffiti; (vi) hazardous material
incident; (vii) safe mode/containment drill; (viii) trespass.
a. If an activity is not listed above, it shall not be documented in a Incident Report.
Student Activity that occurs in school and that may qualify as a violation of the Code
of Conduct must be documented by the School Administrator or designee in the BPS
Student Information System (SIS).
b. When a Safety Services employee is the first to respond to or witness such activity,
the Safety Services employee must report such activity to the School Administrator,
but may not prepare an Incident Report. If the School Administrator determines that
such activity may qualify as a violation of the Code of Conduct, the School
Administrator must document such activity in the BPS Student Information System
c. Safety Services employees shall not prepare Intelligence Reports.
1. Because Safety Services employees may be considered school officials with access
to students’ education records, they may not redisclose information obtained from
those education records to non-school officials without consent or pursuant to an
exemption to FERPA or state law, such as in the event of a health or safety
emergency. Therefore, Incident Reports may not be prepared using information
obtained from an education record, except for “Directory Information,” as defined by
BPS in its annual Guide to the Boston Public Schools.
2. Where FERPA and state student records laws only apply to the disclosure of
education records, they do not prohibit the preparation of an Incident Report based
on a Safety Services employee’s personal knowledge or observations. However,
Safety Services employees shall not use personal knowledge or observations to
prepare an Incident Report if:
(a) the knowledge was originally obtained from an education record;
(b) the knowledge or observations are not directly related to the explicit situation for
which the Incident Report is prepared.
3. In no event shall an Incident Report contain the following information:
(a) Immigration status
(b) Citizenship
(c) Neighborhood of residence
(d) Religion
(e) National origin
(f) Ethnicity
(g) Students’ native or spoken language
(h) Suspected or alleged gang involvement, affiliation, association, or membership
(i) Participation in school activities, extracurricular activities outside of school, sports
teams, or school clubs or organizations
(j) Degrees, Honors, or Awards
(k) Post-high school plans
Safety Services employees are required by BPD to prepare and file BPD 1.1s at the
BPD district station on the same day the incident occurs. Once filed, the BPD 1.1 is a
BPD record.
Prior to preparing a BPD 1.1, a Safety Services employee shall inform the School
Administrator. Within 24 hours of receiving notification of an Incident Report, the School
Administrator shall communicate with affected students and their families to discuss the
For the 2020-2021 school year, “Directory Information” shall be limited to: student’s name,
age, grade level, and dates of enrollment.
incident resulting in the BPD 1.1 or SSR1. The School Administrator shall also notify
their supervisor or school superintendent. Families shall be notified that they may
request a copy of the SSR1 from the school in the student’s or family’s native language
or a copy of the BPD 1.1. from the BPD district station.
1. When a BPD 1.1 is filed, it is a BPD report.
2. Safety Services employees may not share any other Incident Report with any
individual or entity other than the BPS Chief of Safety Services or Deputy Chief of
Safety Services. The Chief and Deputy Chief shall only share Incident Reports with
the liaison from the BPD School Unit, except if disclosure to other individuals or
entities is required by court order or subpoena or pursuant to the public records law .
1. Safety Services employees may only share information obtained from an education
record pursuant to an exception to FERPA or state law (such as providing Directory
Information, responding to a subpoena or court order, or in the event of a health or
safety emergency), or when such information is based on an employee’s personal
knowledge, subject to the limitations of section III(B)(2) above, which include that the
knowledge or observations must be directly related to the explicit situation for which
the information is sought.
2. Even when such sharing is permitted, Safety Services employees may not share any
information concerning a student with any individual or entity other than the BPS
Chief of Safety Services or Deputy Chief of Safety Services. The Chief and Deputy
Chief shall only share information concerning a student with the liaison from the BPD
School Unit. Immigration status or citizenship of a student, even if known based on
an employee’s personal knowledge, may not be shared. Other information listed in
III(B)(3) above that is known based on an individual’s personal knowledge may only
be shared subject to the limitations in section III(B)(2) above and if determined by
the Chief or Deputy Chief to be relevant to the request for such information. The
only exceptions to these rules are situations where it is necessary for Safety
Services employees to transmit student information to non-school officials in order to
respond to an immediate health or safety emergency.
3. Under the health or safety emergency exception, sharing information obtained from
an education record is permitted when necessary to protect the health or safety or
students or other individuals in connection with an actual, impending, or imminent
emergency, and is limited to the period of the emergency. In making their
determination of whether a situation rises to the level of a health or safety
emergency, School Administrators may rely on BPD’s assessment of a particular
situation or incident.
1. At the end of each month, Safety Services shall submit data for the preceding month
to the superintendent. The data shall include: (i) number of Incident Reports written;
(ii) for each Incident Report, the date of the incident, the nature of the activity,
student age, grade, school, and whether the report was written in connection with an
arrest; (iii) for each Incident Report shared externally, when and to whom it was
shared; and (iv) a log of information shared pursuant to the health or safety
exception. Specifically for SSR1s, the data shall also include why the data was
shared and who authorized the sharing.
1. No less frequently than twice per school year, the superintendent shall direct a
central office audit of Incident Reports and other communications prepared or
transmitted by Safety Services employees. At the superintendent’s request, Safety
Services shall provide the superintendent with copies of Incident Reports or other
communications prepared or transmitted during a 30 day period as determined by
the superintendent. The superintendent or designee shall audit such Incident
Reports to determine whether they were prepared in compliance with this policy, and
shall prepare a report summarizing the findings to share with the School Safety
Working Group, described below.
A. The superintendent shall establish a School Safety Working Group (“Working
Group”) that will be charged with further discussing issues related to this policy,
receiving reports from the superintendent about the district’s implementation of this
policy, and making recommendations to the School Committee.
B. The Working Group shall be composed of 12 members, representing the following
groups: (i) a BPS student, nominated by the immigration, youth or community advocacy
organization noted in (vi) below, with preference given to a student who attends a
school that has historically experienced a high volume of arrests or Incident Reports; (ii)
a parent or guardian chosen by the Citywide Parent Council; (iii) a member of the
Boston Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SpEdPAC); (iv) a teacher chosen
by the Boston Teachers Union (BTU); (v) a school leader, assistant principal or dean
from a school with an assigned Safety Services employee, chosen by the
superintendent; (vi) a representative from an immigration, youth, or community
advocacy organization chosen by the School Committee; (vii) a representative from the
BPS Office of Opportunity Gaps; (viii) a representative from the BPS operational leader
team, or other BPS central office representative with responsibility for advising School
Administrators on the Code of Conduct; (ix) a representative from the BPS Department
of Safety Services; (x) an individual, who is not an employee of the City of Boston, with
expertise in law enforcement and school safety laws and regulations, chosen by the
School Committee; and (xi) two representatives from the superintendent’s student data
working group (which made recommendations on this policy), nominated by the working
C. The Working Group shall meet with the superintendent or her/his designee on a
quarterly basis for a presentation of the monthly data reports described in section
VI(A)(1) for the past quarter. After the first year of the implementation of this policy, the
Working Group shall meet with the superintendent or her/his designee on a semi-annual
basis. The Working Group shall be provided with the data to be presented no later than
5 business days prior to each meeting. The Working Group may make
recommendations to the superintendent during these meetings. The superintendent
may choose to publish additional data related to this policy.
D. The Working Group shall make an annual presentation to the School Committee on
its findings and recommendations.
E. Any records or data shared with the Working Group shall not contain identifying
information about students, victims, witnesses, or other individuals, including details of
incident narratives that may allow such individuals to be identified.
1. All BPS employees will sign an acknowledgment of responsibility for safeguarding
student information under this policy, FERPA, and state student records laws.
1. BPS shall design and provide training on this policy pursuant to the provisions
2. Safety Services employees shall receive training on this policy upon hire and every
three years thereafter. Safety Services employees may also receive training
pursuant to Rule 400A, as determined by BPD.
3. School Administrators shall receive training on this policy upon hire and every three
years thereafter.
1. Violations of this policy may subject BPS employees to discipline, up to and
including termination.
A summary of this policy shall be included in the annual BPS Guide to the Boston Public
Schools, and shall be made available translated in BPS’s nine major languages. The
superintendent may issue a circular that further directs the implementation of this policy.
In order to periodically assess this policy’s effectiveness, the School Committee shall
review this policy on an annual basis and determine whether any revisions are
necessary. The annual review may occur in conjunction with the Working Group’s
annual presentation to the Committee.