City of Santa Barbara
Automated License Plate Recognition Policy
What is it: Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology utilizes cameras
to capture and store digital images of license plates, and uses character recognition
algorithms to identify license plate characters. An ALPR system creates a searchable
computerized database resulting from the data collected by fixed cameras located at
the entrance/exit of numerous City-operated public parking lots, and vehicle-mounted
or handheld cameras for on-street parking spaces designated as priced or paid parking.
ALPR system data includes license plate number as well the date, time, and location
when the image was collected.
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to define the City’s appropriate use,
maintenance, collection, security, and retention of all ALPR information, and the
authorized users of the City’s ALPR technology, in compliance with all applicable
federal, state, and local laws. This policy is separate from any ALPR technology used
by the Santa Barbara Police Department (SBPD). The SBPD maintains their own policy
for ALPR.
The City of Santa Barbara utilizes ALPR technology to capture, analyze, and store
digital license plate data and images to enable the rapid identification of vehicles in
support of parking operations and compliance activities. ALPR shall supplement or
replace paper tickets to log the times at which a vehicle enters or exits a City parking lot
in order to determine the fee due upon exit. ALPR and customer license plate data shall
also supplement or replace proximity access cards and permit stickers to grant lot entry
to monthly and annual parking permit holders.
License plate information paired to vehicles entering City-operated public parking lots is
used to improve access control and the enforcement of City parking ordinance violations
in the lots that utilize ALPR. For example, information on vehicles coming into a lot is
anonymized and aggregated to analyze various metrics including parking patterns,
permit-type usage, and compliance.
Restricted Uses: The City only uses ALPR technology to collect license plate data within
public view. The City does not use ALPR technology for the purpose of monitoring
individual activities that are otherwise protected by the First Amendment to the United
States Constitution. The cameras shall not be used in areas where there is a reasonable
expectation of privacy, and shall not be used to harass, intimidate, or discriminate against
any individual or group.
Training: Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1798.90.51(b), all authorized users
shall receive training prior to being granted access to an ALPR system and data. A record
of all completed training is maintained by the respective City departments. ALPR
operators receive initial training from the vendor providing the ALPR software and
hardware. The training includes the procedure and proper use of the system prior to being
granted access to an ALPR system. In addition, each user also receives an annual
refresher training from the Program Manager or designee. The training includes:
1. Applicable federal and state law;
2. Functionality of the equipment; and
3. Safeguarding of password information, access to ALPR systems, and ALPR
Access: Authorized users with access to ALPR data shall include staff with a City operational
need to specifically oversee such a system and/or are responsible for parking operations and
enforcement within City Departments including Public Works, Waterfront, and Airport, as well
as City-contracted parking operations and enforcement vendors. The Program Manager for
each City Department employing an ALPR system is the custodian and head administrator
of its ALPR systems and their operation. The only individuals with access and the ability
to query data in the system are:
Program Manager, and their designee(s);
Parking Supervisors;
Parking Coordinators;
Parking Resources Specialist;
Parking Office Specialist;
Waterfront Operations Manager;
Downtown Plaza and Parking Manager;
Harbor Patrol Supervisor;
Airport Patrol Supervisor;
Harbor Patrol Officers; and
Airport Patrol Officers.
All logins and queries are stored and monitored, and contain the following information:
Purpose of query; and
License plate and other criteria used to query the system.
This data shall be stored and monitored by each respective Department’s Program
Manager, Harbor Patrol, Airport Patrol, Parking Services, and Parking Operations staff.
License plates are only referenced against the respective Department’s Annual
Parking/Parking Permit vehicle database, and tickets generated at the entrance columns.
The Program Manager or their designee shall also run quarterly audits to ensure access
to the data was made by authorized persons for authorized uses.
Information Collected: The following information may be collected by the ALPR system:
License plate image captured;
License plate number;
License plate state;
Time; and
Information Stored & Data Retention: ALPR data shall be sent to and stored in the
ALPR vendor’s regional database. The database stores license plate numbers of monthly
and annual parking permit holders and hourly customers. This information is used by the
ALPR system to allow permit holders to gain entry to the City parking lot for which their
permit is valid and to exit without having to provide payment. The permit holder’s license
plate number is used to supplement or replace proximity access cards, plastic hang tags,
stickers, and other permit materials.
Routine data collection for Airport and Waterfront parking shall not be stored beyond 30
days, and for Downtown parking 72 hours except when lawfully required to by court order.
After the aforementioned retention times elapse, the vendor shall purge routine data
records. The data records stored on the regional ALPR server include photographs of the
vehicle (close-up of the license plate and context photo of the rear of the vehicle), and
accompanying license plate number, date, time, and location in the field; such records do
not directly identify a particular person.
Security: The City of Santa Barbara uses administrative, operational, technical and
physical safeguards to protect ALPR information from unauthorized access, use,
destruction, modification or disclosure including the following safeguards:
Administrative: Username and password-protected access to the ALPR system.
The system shall document all information access by username, and the database
usage shall be monitored and audited.
Operational: Training system users on proper use and secure practices when
using ALPR and its database.
Physical: All network equipment and servers containing sensitive data are
maintained in a secure off-site location, and accessed only by authorized
personnel. This includes the secure storage of computers with access to the off-
site database.
Technical: All information is encrypted to protect any personally identifiable
information. ALPR system workstations and servers shall be updated with the
latest security patches on a regular basis. ALPR data shall be secured, encrypted,
and backed up regularly.
In the very unlikely event of an information breach that constitutes a violation under
California Penal Code Section 502, all individuals who are believed to be affected or
have their information compromised shall be notified by the City of Santa Barbara, via
the affected City Department(s).
Quality Assurance: Collection of ALPR is automated so the license plate images and
details of collection are included in the system without review. Although infrequent,
license plate translation may be incomplete or inaccurate. The Program Manager or their
designee ensure accuracy and correct license plate translation errors when identified.
Users also confirm the computer translation prior to taking any action based on ALPR
Releasing ALPR Data: The City does not share ALPR information with any commercial
or private entity, other than City parking contractors and enforcement vendors, as
necessary to conduct City parking operations. The City includes confidentiality provisions
in its agreements with any parking contractors and/or vendors to prohibit any use or
distribution of ALPR information for any purpose other than the authorized Uses under
this Policy. Information gathered or collected and records retained by the City of Santa
Barbara must not be:
Sold, published, exchanged, or disclosed for commercial purposes.
Disclosed or published without authorization.
Disseminated to persons not authorized to access or use the information.
The City shall provide ALPR data to a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency or
any other public agency only if a warrant or other court order is issued and served. In
addition, information gathered shall not be disclosed to the public or in a civil matter unless
such disclosure is required by law or court order.
Requests for Images from Members of the Public: Persons that have a Court Order
or preservation letter, and are interested in requesting ALPR, are directed to the Santa
Barbara City Clerk’s Office. Persons that do not have a Court Order or preservation letter,
and are interested in requesting ALPR data are also directed to the Santa Barbara City
Clerk’s Office.
Enforcement: Violation of this Policy by a City employee, contractor, or other authorized
user, may lead to suspension or termination of that user’s access to the ALPR system.