Remission Requests
This document is to be used as a guide and is not a reference or instruction.
This document does not guarantee approval of a request.
Note: A remission is the cancellation all or any part of the indebtedness of a person to the
United States or any instrumentality of the United States incurred while the person was serving
as a member of the naval service, whether as a regular or a reserve in active status, but only if
the Secretary of the Navy considers such action to be in the best interest of the United
States. The laws governing remissions may consider financial or personal hardship, a member’s
value to the service, compassion, justice and good faith. Reserve Component personnel are not
eligible for remission for any debt that occurs while performing inactive duty training or active
duty for training.
** All “remission requests” are processed by OPNAV N130. **
Note: A waiver is an act of the government to intentionally relinquish its claim against an
individual for a debt resulting from erroneous payments of pay or allowances. To be eligible for
waiver, the debt must be the result of an erroneous overpayment of pay or allowances. DFAS
cannot process your waiver request form if you dispute your debt. Therefore, if you state in
the DD Form 2789 that you dispute or are protesting the amount, validity or type of debt
against your account DFAS will return your application to you. To process your waiver request,
you must understand how the debt came about, why you were placed in debt, and that the
amount of the debt corresponds to the erroneous payments received during the debt
period. You do not have to agree that you should have to pay the debt back, but you must
agree that the debt is valid against your pay account. Waivers may be submitted at:
** All waivers are processed by DFAS. **
Below are some common examples of debts (NOT ALL ENCOMPASSING) for which a remission
may be submitted:
Overweight HHG/Excess distance or excess storage time
Overweight unaccompanied baggage
Overpayment for Do-It-Yourself (DITY) moves
House trailer moves
Erroneous overpayments of pay and allowances
Government property lost or damaged (GPLD)
Overpayment of Per Diem/Travel allowances
Other unique payments
*** Debts arising from the erroneous payment of basic pay due to non-collection of courts-
martial forfeitures may not be remitted or canceled. ***
Remission for erroneous pay & allowances/other debts - Active Duty/Reserve Component (if
eligible) personnel
Please submit:
- DD Form 2789 with remission box checked in block 1; reflects debt amount in blocks 11 and
23. CO/OIC is required to complete blocks 20 thru 22c and your servicing TSC/RSC/Pay Office
are required to complete blocks 23 thru 31f. (Both CO/OIC and TSC/RSC/Pay Office signatures
must be on the same page).
- Command pay and personnel Administrators (CPPAs) are not authorized to endorse the form
on PSD'S behalf.
- CO/OIC endorsement (actual or acting) - Cannot be signed "By direction".
- Your personal statement detailing how/when the debt occurred, reason for the request, and
why you are unable to repay the debt.
- Debt notification letter for actual amount listed in blocks 11 and 23 on the DD Form 2789.
- Copy of your HPC and/or PCS orders with all modifications.
- DD 214 (Copy 1) *Reserve Component personnel.*
- Financial counseling worksheet (FCW). If the request is not submitted due to financial
hardship, the FCW is not required.
- LES: 6 12 months based on notification of debt.
- Copy of verified and signed NAVPERS 1070-602. DD 93 will not be accepted.
- If debt was due to BAH related to loss of dependents, provide:
Copy of divorce decree/other loss of dependency supporting document(s).
Copy of lease (E4 under 4 years of service).
- Any additional documents pertaining to your debt that you believe is beneficial to your case.
Remission for erroneous pay & allowances/other debts - Retired/Separated personnel
Please submit:
- DD Form 2789 with remission box checked in block 1; reflects debt amount in block 11.
- Your personal statement detailing how/when the debt occurred, reason for the request, and
why you are unable to repay the debt.
- Debt notification letter for actual amount listed in block 11 on the DD Form 2789.
- Copy of your retirement/fleet reserve/separation orders with all modifications.
- DD 214 (copy 1).
- Proof of financial hardship. If the request is not submitted due to financial hardship, proof is
not required.
- LES: 6 12 months based on notification of debt (if available).
- Copy of verified and signed NAVPERS 1070-602. DD 93 will not be accepted.
- Any additional documents pertaining to your debt that you believe is beneficial to your case.
To apply for a remission you must:
Have a debt established on your pay account.
Complete DD Form 2789, fillable PDF is available at:
Collect required and/or supporting documentation (per above criteria)
Submit your application via email to OPNAV N130C at