This is a legally binding Contract; if not understood, seek advice from an attorney.
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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Rental Property Address (the “Property”)
Requested Lease Start Date
Processing Fee. The Lease Application and Credit Check Processing Fee is $ for each credit report, payable in cash,
check or certied funds at time of application. This Processing Fee is NOT REFUNDABLE.
Reserve Property Fee. In consideration for reserving and holding the Property o market a Reserve Property Fee of $ shall
be payable in cash or certied funds at time of application. The Reserve Property Fee shall NOT BE REFUNDED if the Lease
Application is approved and applicant fails to sign a lease and take possession of the Property. If the Lease Application is not
approved, the Reserve Property Fee shall be refunded. If the Lease Application is approved and the applicant signs a lease, and takes
possession of the Property, the “Reserve Property Fee” shall be credited against the Security Deposit.
Security Deposit $ payable in certied funds upon approval of the Lease Application.
Rent Amount $ payable in certied funds before or at time of possession.
NOTICE: The Property is oered for lease without regard to sex, race, religion, color, age, handicap, familial status or
national origin.
Print Name in full Soc Sec.#
Drivers License # Date of Birth Photo ID Yes No
Present Address Rent/Mortgage Pmt.
City State Zip Code How long? Years Months
Home Phone Business Phone Mobile/Pager #
Present Landlord/Mortgage Co. Phone
Reason for Leaving
Previous Address Rent/Mortgage Pmt.
City State Zip Code How long? Years Months
Present Landlord/Mortgage Co. Phone
Reason for Leaving
Employer Phone How long? Years Months
Address Position
Supervisor Supervisor Phone Gross Monthly Income
Previous Employer Phone How long
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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Position Gross Monthly Income
Other Income
Do you have a checking/savings account? Yes No If yes, name of bank
Have you ever:
Filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If so, Date of Discharge?
Been evicted? Yes No
Broken a lease? Yes No
Been convicted of a felony? Yes No
Been sued for non-payment of rent? Yes No
Been sued for damage to rental property? Yes No
Explain any yes listed above:
Personal References (people or friends who have visited you in your current residence). NO RELATIVES
Name Relationship
Can be reached using Phone No: Between a.m. and p.m.
Name Relationship
Can be reached using Phone No: Between a.m. and p.m.
In Case of Emergency or Death (pursuant to Title 41 O.S. §130.1A) notication is to be made to:
(Must not be co-applicant or another occupant)
Name Phone:
Co-Applicant Soc Sec.#
Drivers License # Date of Birth Photo ID Yes No
Co-Applicant’s Present Address Rent/Mortgage Pmt.
City State Zip Code How long? Years Months
Home Phone Business Phone Mobile/Pager #
Present Landlord/Mortgage Co. Phone
Reason for Leaving
Previous Address Rent/Mortgage Pmt.
City State Zip Code How long? Years Months
Present Landlord/Mortgage Co. Phone
Reason for Leaving
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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Co-Applicant’s Employer Phone How long?
Address Position
Supervisor Supervisor Phone Gross Monthly Income
Previous Employer Phone How long
Position Gross Monthly Income
Other Income
Do you have a checking/savings account? Yes No If yes, name of bank
Have you ever:
Filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If so, Date of Discharge?
Been evicted? Yes No
Broken a lease? Yes No
Been convicted of a felony? Yes No
Been sued for non-payment of rent? Yes No
Been sued for damage to rental property? Yes No
Explain any yes listed above:
Personal References (people or friends who have visited you in your current residence). NO RELATIVES
Name Relationship
Can be reached using Phone No: Between a.m. and p.m.
Name Relationship
Can be reached using Phone No: Between a.m. and p.m.
In Case of Emergency or Death (pursuant to Title 41 O.S. §130.1A) notication is to be made to:
(Must not be co-applicant or another occupant)
Name Phone:
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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List name and age of occupants other than Applicant and Co-Applicant:
Name Age
No other individuals shall occupy the Property other than those named above.
Pets: Yes No if yes, how many? what kind?
breed weight age Neutered: Yes No Indoors Outdoors
breed weight age Neutered: Yes No Indoors Outdoors
Service/Assistance Animal: Yes No if yes, what kind?
breed weight age Neutered: Yes No Indoors Outdoors
NOTICE: Unless the Applicant, Co-Applicant or other occupant(s) has a disability or disability-related need for
an assistance animal that is readily apparent, you may be requested to provide reliable supporting documentation
that (1) is necessary to verify that the person meets the denition of disability pursuant to the Fair Housing Act, (2)
describes the needed accommodation, and (3) shows the relationship between the person’s disability and the need
for the requested accommodation. Notwithstanding the absence of an additional deposit for a service/assistance
animal, a tenant shall be responsible for any damages caused by the animal.
Will any person that smoke or vape occupy the property? Yes No
NOTICE: Smoking, including tobacco and marijuana, and vaping or the any use of e-cigarettes on the interior
or exterior of the Property is not permitted, and should such occur by Tenant or Tenant’s guests, Tenant shall be
responsible for the cost of having Property painted, walls washed, interior deodorized, air ducts and lters cleaned,
and carpets and draperies professionally cleaned, and any other cost to repair any other damage. If smoking or
vaping occurs it could be cause for the issuance of an eviction notice. Tenant shall not grow or cultivate marijuana
on the interior or exterior of the Property. Tenant shall not sell or distribute marijuana, or products containing
marijuana, at the Property. If Tenant or Tenant’s guests engage in such activities, Tenant will be subject to eviction
and liable for any damages.
Do you have Tenant’s Homeowners Insurance Coverage? Yes No
If so, what is the name of your Insurance Company
Make and Year and License Tag Number of Automobiles
Will trailers, boats, motorcycles, motor homes or commercial vehicles be stored at the Property? List
Describe water-lled furniture you want to have in the Property
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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A. Broker shall have the following duties to all parties in a transaction, which are mandatory and may not be abrogated or waived
by Broker:
1. Treat all parties with honesty and exercise reasonable skill and care;
2. Unless specically waived in writing by a party to the transaction:
a) receive all written oers and counteroers,
b) reduce oers or counteroers to a written form upon request of any party to a transaction, and
c) c)present timely such written oers and counteroers;
3. Timely account for all money and property received by Broker;
4. Keep condential information received from a party or prospective party condential. The condential information shall not
be disclosed by a rm without the consent of the party disclosing the information unless consent to the disclosure is granted
in writing by the party or prospective party disclosing the information, the disclosure is required by law, or the information is
made public or becomes public as the result of actions from a source other than the rm. The following information shall be
considered condential and shall be the only information considered condential in a transaction:
a) that a party or prospective party is willing to pay more or accept less than what is being oered;
b) that a party or prospective party is willing to agree to nancing terms that are dierent from those oered;
c) the motivating factors of the party or prospective party purchasing, selling, leasing, optioning, or exchanging the property;
d) information specically designated as condential by a party unless such information is public.
5. Disclose information pertaining to the property as required by the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Act; and
6. Comply with all requirements of The Oklahoma Real Estate License Code and all applicable statutes and rules.
B. B. Broker shall have the following duties and responsibilities only to a party for whom the broker is providing brokerage services
in a transaction which are mandatory and may not be abrogated or waived by Broker:
1. Inform the party in writing when an oer is made that the party will be expected to pay certain costs, brokerage service costs
and approximate amount of costs; and
2. Keep the party informed regarding the transaction.
C. When working with both parties to a transaction, the duties and responsibilities set forth in this section shall remain in place for
both parties.
Specic Directions. Owner and Broker agree that the specic directions provided for in the Broker Relationship Act shall be in
writing, and Owner shall pay any costs Broker incurs in complying with such instructions.
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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Applicant(s) represents that all of the above statements are true and complete and authorizes verication of all of the above
information by all means available, including employment, personal references, credit records, public records, current and
previous property owners and criminal records by the Owner and/or ’Owners Broker. Applicant(s) authorizes all parties from
whom such information is requested to release the information without giving me prior notice of such. I hereby release and agree
to hold harmless the Owner, Owner’s Broker and all parties requesting or releasing such information from any and all claims,
demands or liabilities arising out of or related to the investigation and release of such information.
Applicant(s) acknowledges that false information may constitute a breach of the lease entitling the Owner, at the Owners option,
to terminate the Lease and demand you vacant the Property. Further, Applicant(s) expressly authorizes Owner and/or Owner’s
Broker (including a collection agency) to obtain Applicant(s) consumer credit report, which Owner and/or Owner’s Broker may
use if attempting to collect past due rent payments, late fees, or other charges from Applicant(s) both during the term of the Lease
and thereafter.
Applicant(s) also understands and agrees that this application will be retained by Owner and/or Owner’s Broker whether or not approved.
Applicant(s) understands and agrees that, in the future upon request, the Owner and/or Owner’s Broker will release information concerning
the Owners experience with Applicant(s) as an Applicant/Tenant(s).
Applicant(s) understands and agrees that this Lease Application will not be processed without the “Processing Fee” set out in Section 1.
Applicant(s) further agrees and understands that this Processing Fee will NOT BE REFUNDED regardless of whether Owner accepts
this Lease Application for lease of the Property and the Reserve Property Fee shall NOT BE REFUNDED if the Lease Application
is approved and Applicant(s) fails to sign a Lease and take possession of the Property.
I have read and understand the Section 5 Broker Relationship.
Applicant’s Signature Co-Applicant’s Signature
Date Date
The undersigned Broker acknowledges receipt of the non-refundable Processing Fee.
Brokers Signature Date